Malto wurde im 2018 als unabhängige Nano-Brauerei in Hamburg Altona gegründet. Handwerkliches Bier, Naturweine, feine Musik und einen kleinen versteckten Garten, das ist unsere Konzept. Alle Biere, gebraut von Gründer Francesco, sind unpasteurisiert und ungefiltert. Die Zubereitung in kleinen Chargen ermöglicht uns nicht nur unsere Biere immer frisch heraus zu bringen, sondern auch unserer Kreativität und Leidenschaft freien Lauf zu lassen.
We are happy to delight you with our famous homemade Lasagna and a pint of beer. Seasonal ingredients meet tradition and innovation for a soul food experience. Reservation per email is welcome, walk-ins are welcome as well. Free entry.
Come over to try our new ales straight out our 100 liter brewing system. We call it artisanal beer, where every gesture is done by hand following our love for beer. Free entry.
The famous tasting about wild yeast and spontaneous fermentation curated by Jan from Heintz Artisanal Ales and Francesco from Malto Brewpub, is back again. We open 6 bottles of rare fermented nectars, explain the technique behind and spend a great time together. The tasting includes an antipasto and a main dish. Only 12 seats. 55- p.P. Reservation:
Jan will present is latest creation on tap including two collaboration beer with Francesco. Outside the usual path, you can expect something special. Free entry.